Thursday, December 3, 2009

Curves, Twists & Bends, by Annette Wellings

I never had read a book on scoliosis, but suspect that this is a much needed book; but it is very limited.

If one has severe scoliosis, this book is likely profitable, because it can supplement the services of a professional physical therapist and thus save a great deal of money.

If one has mild scoliosis, this book is a fast read with limited information. It discusses some causes, emphasize awareness, offers a few exercises, and provides some fashion-concealment tips. However, these are marginal information.

Scoliosis causes and is caused by entire series of posture issues, and these are treated in different ways. For example, using certain forms of furniture, one can regularly stretch the back. The book’s illustration given on watching TV while lying on one’s back is very difficult to do—one needs certain furnitures. Sitting imbalanced can be corrected often by placing a towel under one side. Nearly no information on ergonomics ways of adjusting for scoliosis.

Furthermore, understanding posture is important; because in addition to stretches, one should constantly monitor one’s posture. This book doesn’t explain many of the causes of bad posture and its corrective methods. For example, a $5US heel lift can correct imbalance legs. Hypertonicity in muscles need to be dealt with in other ways.

Also, it is known that those with scoliosis are frequently acid reflux sufferers, and the book’s exercises given—flat on the ground—likely aggravates acid reflux.

The exercises are also very basic and mild. For those with mild scoliosis, any yoga class would yield far more effective.



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